
pelicans fishing near the pier

Raster video taken with a Canon A720 digital camera.


Friday, May 27

early evening on the beach

erotic tingles

I squeeze your hands
and run my fingertips
across the tips of yours
then between your fingers, up and down,
then all my tips against your palms.

You shiver; life is good.


Slough Road to the beach

The fairies

They study with Merlin's coterie
and honor desires
like their cousins, the angels,
waiting only for belief.

Their early training
still consists of finding such
as place, age and time of day
to be replaceable fancies.

Knowledge keeps them light
and their wings brightly rainbow,
though much they do be hidden,
and they still appear fully-formed
when today's reality experts
go on their paid vacations.

Some believe the fairies have migrated,
for security reasons, to other planets.


Photos posted this day were taken with a Canon A720 digital camera.


Sunday, May 8

The two photos above were taken with a Canon A720 digital camera.


bluff top and beach

The four photos above were taken with a Canon A720 digital camera.